Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Oh my goodness I can't believe how slack I've been as my last post was in July! To be fair it has been a very busy few months but no more excuses I will faithfully make time to blog regularly.

August was a blur of Babies and Beyond show activity, myself and my co organiser Sharon worked late nearly every night to get everything done and to make sure it was a great success. There were a few sleepless nights on the run up to the show but we had everything planned to military precision so we needn't have worried. The big day arrived and we had a full hall of traders, loads of planned activities and the public came in their droves- the feedback from traders and public has been fantastic so it was well worth doing. I was never so tired in my life though as that evening and was so glad to be able to sit and just relax for a change!

My Saturday classes started the next week and oldies and newbies arrived and seemed to have a great time. It has been wonderful to watch my Wee Signers growing and changing every week and some going from non mobile to mobile very quickly! The Wonder Kids classes have been great fun with lots of games and icky sticky arts and crafts activities. I can't believe we're down to the last week already- roll on January!

My baby is now 13 months and signing so much at home. She must have nearly 50 signs when she chooses to use them and nearly as many words. Her favourite sign at the moment is 'more' while also shouting more while sitting in her high chair;twinkle twinkle is also a firm favourite and her attempts at 'diamond' are very cute!

Sunday, 4 July 2010

The summer holidays have arrived and so have the commencement of my first Wee Wonders summer workshops. The theme of the first class is 'summer', quite an obvious choice but plenty of ideas to choose from.

The Wee Wonders Babies and Beyond show organisation is going well and keeping me very busy. We've been down measuring the hall and working out our floor plan- so exciting! I'm really looking forward to the baby disco, should be really great fun with loads of fabulous tunes to dance to. Some brilliant businesses have signed up, I know I'll end up spending a fortune on Christmas presents, but still September is the perfect time to start and not leave it to the last minute like usual!

My wee-est Wonder Cal is still signing away but I think she is interchanging 'milk' for 'mummy' which is understandable really as I represent both. I have also been teaching her big sister signs and she's really sweet showing them to her sis, I can't wait til Cal signs 'E' for Eleni and El will be so chuffed!

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Mid June already??

It's now well into June, the weather has been great and Wee Wonders is keeping me very busy. The last class of the first term was on Saturday and it was lovely to give out the certificates to all my 'wee wonders' and momentous in that baby Conor did his first proper crawl. Although it will be nice to have my Saturdays 'off' during the summer holidays so I can do lots of fun family activities especially as El is off to nursery in September (sob!)

I have decided to do a few workshops in the summer holidays, mostly because the parents asked me to as there is not much on in the summer for tiny tots and definitely not during the week. Also wanted to trial my new class Wannabe Wonders for 3-5's , quite nervous about it as have only ever taught drama to teenagers but I'm sure it will be good fun.

The Babies and Beyond Show is really coming together, stands are booking up and we are getting new ideas everyday to make it as fantastic a day out for everyone involved.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

It never rains but it pours

Well no one can say that I don't like to keep myself busy! As well as looking after the girls and their hectic social lives whilst building a fledgling business, I have decided to organise a baby show in September with the help of a friend. I'm so excited, I just love getting stuck into organising things and hopefully it will spread the name of Wee Wonders a good bit as well... Any ideas and suggestions always welcome...

I can't believe there are only four weeks of classes left of this term, it has just flown by, I suppose that shows how enjoyable it is. Callia has really been signing 'more' loads this week especially when eating yoghurt, loves the stuff! I'm also thrilled that two of the babies in my class have started signing as well. Alpha kids is great fun too but I always seem to leave covered in glitter- 'C' this week- C is for 'carrots' 'cars' coat' 'can can'......

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Well things are ticking along nicely my only problem is that I really don't have the time to do everything I need to do- I'm hoping that come September when daughter number one starts nursery that daughter number two will develop longer napping habits so more can be achieved rather than snatching the odd 15 minutes here and there.

I'm really enjoying the classes and can't believe that we have done four weeks already. The renditions of 'I'm a Wee Wonder' are getting louder as parents and toddlers starting to know the words, it's a good job as they need to drown me out-I'm becoming decidedly squeaky especially during 'Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose' ...

Right must go to bed as I'm useless without a full eight hours sleep!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

I'm really happy that the birthday party went well last week and both kids and parents seemed to enjoy it- the princess theme was a hit with the birthday girl who looked very cute in her crown. I'm looking forward to devising some different themed parties for different tastes- it keeps the old noggin ticking over anyway.

Callia is continuing to sign 'milk' and 'change nappy', have been doing 'more' with her so hopefully she will start that soon. She will be getting sick of me singing to her soon- oh no there she goes again!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Had the first class on Saturday and felt that it went really well, all the kids and babies seemed to have fun and their parents enjoyed it too. My 'I'm a Wee Wonder' T-shirts looked fabulous, just hoping they wash well (such a mum!).

I'm doing the 'Go For It' business programme at the moment, it's very useful in that it's focussing me on what needs to be done business wise, I just wish there were more hours in the day to get everything done or failing that a cook, a cleaner and nanny would be helpful!

Callia is now signing 'change nappy' and just looks so pleased with herself when she does it and I start singing the nappy song, babies just love their communication being understood and I really believe that it cuts out so must frustration for both baby and parent.

I have my first Wee Wonder birthday party booked for Friday and it's for a little girl who loves princesses so that will be my theme, I'm looking forward to it, just need to get all the materials for the various components sorted out.

So another busy week ahead but as Thomas Edison says-

"The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense."

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

April is a coming

March has been a busy month; both girls have had chicken pox, the older one wasn't too bad but baby was miserable the poor wee pet and was only happy in my arms hence nothing much could be done. She's much better now and has just started doing the sign for 'milk' which is fabulous, such a woohoo moment. Will start working on 'eat' next and 'light' which was her sister's favourite when she was a baby.

Things are coming on well for the impending classes, Alpha Kids full and only one place left for Baby Sign so really happy about that. Just need to finalise lesson plans and I'm ready to rock and nursery rhyme!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Things have been going slowly this week as both my girls are poorly- one with chicken pox and the wee one with a cold; she is bound to get the dreaded pox as well! Ice lollies are the answer to cheer up any spot covered toddler, particularly red ones then yellow and finally orange.

Have so much to do business wise but no time to do it....Have very helpful friends who are handing out leaflets and putting up posters to advertise the upcoming classes...less than a month to go now and spaces are starting to fill up.

My new mats arrived during the week- alphabet ones- was so excited I did a mat dance and had very strange looks from my nearly three year old and a lovely chuckle from the 5 month old- yes they are learning young that mummy is an eejit. They also came in their own carry case which is just so handy but knowing me once i take them out they'll never fit in so nicely again and i'll end up carrying them around in a black bag.

Oops nap time over it starts again...

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Wee Wonders is born

Well after a few mad months of birthing second child, breastfeeding on demand, cleaning up various shades of spew, poo and snot it has become inherently clear that the time has come to start a fabulous business that will not only provide a great work/life balance but also make tons of money in the process.

In reality though as much as I love being at home with my daughters I do miss the cut and thrust of working life and hope this venture will offer a pleasant compromise- all the joys of snot, vomit and cuddles on demand alongside monetary contribution to the household income and job satisfaction.