Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Mid June already??

It's now well into June, the weather has been great and Wee Wonders is keeping me very busy. The last class of the first term was on Saturday and it was lovely to give out the certificates to all my 'wee wonders' and momentous in that baby Conor did his first proper crawl. Although it will be nice to have my Saturdays 'off' during the summer holidays so I can do lots of fun family activities especially as El is off to nursery in September (sob!)

I have decided to do a few workshops in the summer holidays, mostly because the parents asked me to as there is not much on in the summer for tiny tots and definitely not during the week. Also wanted to trial my new class Wannabe Wonders for 3-5's , quite nervous about it as have only ever taught drama to teenagers but I'm sure it will be good fun.

The Babies and Beyond Show is really coming together, stands are booking up and we are getting new ideas everyday to make it as fantastic a day out for everyone involved.