Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Spring has sprung

Once again time has managed to pass me by and it is now nearing the end of March-how on earth did that happen? I am very excited that Wee Wonders will be one in April and I may just have to invest in a delicious sponge cake to celebrate! I have enjoyed the first year and look forward to growing the business in the coming years as I really love what I do!

I am currently in planning mode and have new week day classes coming up in May. I am also going to build upon the success of my summer workshops last year by providing a greater number in several locations this year; I have found that activities for babies and toddlers are sadly lacking in the summer months and would like to provide kiddies and their parents the opportunity to socialise whilst learning through fun activities!

My little one is now 17 months and is speaking much more than she signs, although when she wants to emphasise what she wants for example 'MORE BISCUIT' she says the words while also signing it furiously- she certainly knows how to get her point across!

I have been enjoying providing sessions for my eldest child's nursery school and will be taking my puppets Wendy and Will Wonder for another session based on the theme of Fairy Tales next week- I must get my thinking cap on as to which story to concentrate on.

My favourite quote of the week-

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shovelling the pavement before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller