Happy Birthday Wee Wonders! The first year is over and really it has flown by so quickly. Now it is time for the speech....
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have supported Wee Wonders throughout the year by bringing your wonderful babies and toddlers along to my classes or had me entertain your little ones at their special birthday parties! I have really enjoyed meeting so many new people and have absolutely loved watching the children grow and develop every week. It really is a fantastic job and much too fun to be called work!
My family and friends also need to be thanked for all their help and support both practically and by just lending an ear if I needed a wee moan, advice or a kick up the posterior! I value your continued support and encouragement!
It has been a year of up and downs (mostly ups). Starting a business is quite daunting especially in this shaky economic climate but positive feedback has encouraged me and kept me motivated. I hope to build upon my learning and strengths this year and want to continue realising my dream of making Wee Wonders a much loved household name!
Thank you!