Thursday, 5 May 2011

It's May

Well in the words of the renowned star of tv and radio Alan Partridge, 'It's May!' and after a prolonged Easter break things are getting busy in Wee Wonders' land. From birthday parties to classes and a couple of new nuseries booked I will have to emerge from my Easter sunshine cocoon of barbeques and day trips and do some blooming work.

I am gearing up to write a rather long to do list where procrastination will not feature but organisation and time management is key. This list however will not be typed as my ever helpful eighteen monther forcibly removes my hand from the mouse whenever I try to sneak onto the computer in her presence.

I have really enjoyed working with Catherine from MacPR and her advice and mentoring has been invaluable. We were introduced by Business in The Community which is a really fanatstic resource for local small businesses who would like help and advice in various aspects of their business.