"I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice cream straight out of the container." ~Bill Bryson
It's amazing how simplistic a small child's view of adulthood can be. My own four year old told me that she couldn't wait to be a grown up as she could stay up all night and watch the stars and even go to the park in the dark if she wanted. At what age does this childish idealism fade and the harsh reality of being 'grown up' begin? That instead of desiring to stay up all night to simply look at the cosmos you find yourself day dreaming about your comfy bed and counting down the hours until you'll be able to close eyes, relax and sleep.
I love my job! Watching a 3 month old gaze in wonder as a bubble slowly floats past their eye line ; hearing a 14 month old scream with laughter as we do the hokey cokey; observing the acute concentration on the face of a 2 year old as they stick their wiggly eyes on their creative masterpieces. But I also love watching the pleasure and pride in their parents' faces as they see their little ones really enjoy themselves and relax in the company of other children.
It really is the simple things in life that bring us pleasure and I for one have promised my own Wee Wonder that at half term we will stay up very late and watch the stars and maybe even visit a park in the dark!