This evening I had the pleasure of attending the launch The Cára Rose Trust as a charity in Stormont. There were quite a few MLA's in attendance so hopefully they will get behind the Trust and help them as much as they can.
The charity was set up by Christopher and Julianne Williams in July 2011 in memory of their little daughter Cára Rose who was born sleeping at 36 weeks gestation. The charity aims to raise money to provide memorial stones to families who go through stilbirth; offer support groups to bereaved families; offer specialist clinics to those who have high risk pregnancies and counseling to those who need it.
There are a number of reasons why stillbirths can occur: infections, umbilical cord problems, lifestyle factors such as smoking but in the majority of cases the cause is unknown. I was shocked to learn that last year there was 152 stillbirths in NI. It's not subject that is easily talked about in our society but that is exactly why this charity is so needed, to raise awareness and offer support. As chairperson Dianne Smith reminded us in her final words 'a child that is stillborn is STILL BORN' and shouldn't be forgotten!
The Trust also launched their website yesterday on what would have been Cára Rose's 4th birthday