Tuesday 23 November 2010

Oh my goodness I can't believe how slack I've been as my last post was in July! To be fair it has been a very busy few months but no more excuses I will faithfully make time to blog regularly.

August was a blur of Babies and Beyond show activity, myself and my co organiser Sharon worked late nearly every night to get everything done and to make sure it was a great success. There were a few sleepless nights on the run up to the show but we had everything planned to military precision so we needn't have worried. The big day arrived and we had a full hall of traders, loads of planned activities and the public came in their droves- the feedback from traders and public has been fantastic so it was well worth doing. I was never so tired in my life though as that evening and was so glad to be able to sit and just relax for a change!

My Saturday classes started the next week and oldies and newbies arrived and seemed to have a great time. It has been wonderful to watch my Wee Signers growing and changing every week and some going from non mobile to mobile very quickly! The Wonder Kids classes have been great fun with lots of games and icky sticky arts and crafts activities. I can't believe we're down to the last week already- roll on January!

My baby is now 13 months and signing so much at home. She must have nearly 50 signs when she chooses to use them and nearly as many words. Her favourite sign at the moment is 'more' while also shouting more while sitting in her high chair;twinkle twinkle is also a firm favourite and her attempts at 'diamond' are very cute!